Limekiln Grid  

Site Installation
Related: The House on Limekiln Line, Wind Grid (JoLA article)
Photography: Lisa Moffitt

The Limekiln Grid tracks the shifting topographies of the House on Limekiln Line site.  A topographic dip in the middle of the site collapses foreground into background, making scale and distance difficult to judge. A 25 meter grid of 110 3.5 meter high steel poles were installed on the site, acting as visual landmarks for registering scale and for collecting topographic data at each pole as spot elevations. There are multiple topographies on the site: the rise and fall of the land, the spring and summer crops, and the winter snowbanks and drifts. These four topographies-- earth, snow, crops and wind--were drawn using spot elevations taken at each pole. The house on limekiln line responded to this survey by establishing a fixed datum, a long deck walk, for experiencing these multivalent topographies. 
