
Architecture’s Model Environments Exhibition

University of Edinburgh / 2019

Carleton University / 2023

Rhode Island School of Design / 2024

This exhibition features original wind tunnel, water table, and filling tank prototypes, all of which make airflow associated with natural ventilation visible. The models were designed, constructed and calibrated to create continuous, steady airflow. Insights about architectural environmental mediation were revealed through the iterative prototyping process. It was through the process of trying to make the environmental work as mechanical devices that they worked most effectively as conceptual design tools.

The exhibition highlights design insights about building environmental mediation that were revealed through the prototyping process. These insights were some cases tectonic--revealing ways of thinking about joints, surfaces, and assembly logics. In other cases, they are material-- responses natural forces associated with pressure of air or weight of water. The exhibition highlights air’s extreme sensitivity to both constructional anomalies and external disruption, revealing challenges of creating the steady-state interior environments perpetuated by our mechanically-controlled interior environments.

Funding: SSHRC Exchange Knowledge Mobilisation Grant

Trestle fabrication: Harrison Lane
Rhode Island School of Design, BEB Gallery
Carleton University, Lightroom Gallery
Edinburgh School of Arch and Landscape Arch (ESALA), Concrete Workshop