
Curious Assemblies
MArch Comprehensive Building Studio Workshops

Carleton University, 2022/2023

Co-instructors: Paul Kariouk and Jerry Hacker

Over five consecutive Wednesday afternoons, students reciprocally made energy material and made materials energetic.

Each week, students fabricated a single material artefact. Each material artefact was then tested according to a select performance criteria (concrete/earth>heat retention; metal>water deflection; 3d clay print>air movement; cnc routed screen>light modulation; and wood panel>acoustic transmission) using a series of experimental testing chambers constructed for the class. The body of work collectively formed a physical and digital resource, a Cabinet of Curiosities, which served as a reference for their studio project under development in parallel.

Select work and a paper co-authored by Jerry Hacker was presented at the Cedric Price ‘Thinkbelt Symposium’ at the University of Edinburgh / Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, 2024.

Photos: Panchi Galvan